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I have a pot I love but the plant has died, can you replant it?

Absolutely! Just send us a pic of your beloved pot along with the dimensions we’ll come up with a few options for you. No pot too big or small!

I have a plant that’s outgrown it’s pot, can you repot it?

Definitely! A successful plant is entirely dependent on the right pot! We’ll assess your little lovely and find him a new home that will encourage growth.

My bedroom doesn’t get a lot of light…are there any plants that will grow there?

Yes, it’s all about finding the right plant for your space and our experts are more than happy to find one that will thrive in your environment. Snake plants, ZZs, there are plenty of low light options!

I kill every single succulent! How do I take care of them?

I get this question a LOT! It’s usually due to overwatering but every plant is different and with each purchase we’ll advise you as to how to care for your new buddy so you’ll have a long happy life together. It’s not rocket science…it’s a plant. Don’t overthink it ;)